This week I got laid off. The time I have gotten to spend at St. Gabriel of Athens is a season I will always treasure. This is where I did my internship in the summer of 2019, the first job I got after graduating GSW, the place I spent my days through the middle of the pandemic, and for a season, my mission field. During this time I had the joy of meeting so many beautiful residents and the sorrow of seeing many pass on.
This year I choose CONTENT to be my word. At the beginning of the year I taped this bible verse, Philippians 4:22, to my laptop at work. I had no idea what the next month would hold, but God did!
In hindsight I see his hand in preparing my heart for yesterday. The word he gave me, the devotions I’ve been reading, and just the general peace he has given my heart. I made a post just the day before this happened that said “In the waiting I want to be less of a hot mess and more of a prayer warrior”. Lord, help me live this out!
While it hurts my heart to leave my community full of adopted grandparents and team I know HE has a plan. I don’t want to live in worry or fear but in confidence that God is sovereign. Sovereign when he gave me this job and sovereign when he took it away.
Thank you Lindsay for being the best boss I could ask for! It was a JOY to work for you and with you at the team at St. Gabriel!
In the waiting for where God will have me go next I choose JOY and CONTENTMENT! I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I navigate this new season.