The power, the presence, the peace of God…it all starts here!🙏🏻
Prayer has been a topic the Lord continues to bring to my attention. Over the past few months I have been challenged to really evaluate my prayer life.
Often I pray over a meal, for safe travels, or for a friend in need. Yet, is prayer a consistent habit I’m cultivating in my life?
The short answer was no.
I was praying, yes, but not to the FULLEST!
Prayer changes everything, but most of all it changed me.
Over these past few months the Lord has been teaching me more on prayer, starting with the Lord’s Prayer. In times where I felt so distracted, like I couldn’t even focus for 5 minutes I would turn to these words:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.”
The words focused my mind, but the meaning started to change my mind.
As the year progressed I have had the opportunity to do a Bible Study on the Lord’s Prayer with a few ladies in my life. Shoutout to Pamela, Kaleigh Knight, and SierrAustin Knight.💖
This opened my eyes. I have known the Lord’s Prayer since childhood, but going deeper grew my understanding. It’s not so much about the words as it is a guide for HOW we are to pray.
When Jesus was asked in Luke 11 to teach His disciples how to pray this was His response. When Jesus answers a question we need to pay attention!
The question was HOW to pray not what to pray.
Jesus first focused on God. How we need to remember we are taking to the Father. Not another random person, “Our Father in Heaven”. Here we are reminded of who He is and where He dwells.
Then we are called to praise Him. He is holy. HOLY HOLY HOLY. Knowing this, maybe I should slow down with my “God to do list”. Maybe I should take a deep breath remembering that He is worthy of worship and the author of every good thing!
Moving into the words, “Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” creates a atmosphere of surrender.
Yes, I have things I’m asking and believing God for, but do I trust HIS WILL is best? Do I live like I believe He sees me and knows what’s best for my life? Oh what a challenging prayer this has been.
“Give us this this day our daily bread”
So many times we are like the Israelites, not satisfied with the mana given today. The Lord has been speaking this over my heart in times of worry
💙Strength for today, and hope for tomorrow.💙
I don’t need to have next year figured out, or the next 10 years, I need to be FAITHFUL where my feet are.
We are always going to need to plan some things, but there is so much out of our control. To look ahead, one day at a time creates peace. Who knows, Jesus could come back tomorrow!!!! His Word reminds us that “who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” We are not the authority, He is. So all too Jesus I surrender, over and over again.
“and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
Oh this is humbling. Sin is everywhere and I am always one step away from falling into sinful ways. We must all come asking the Father to forgive us for the ways in which we have already sinned.
Jesus could have stopped there but He didn’t, instead He said “as we have forgiven our debtors”. This implies that we are forgiving others. Sometimes this is not true in my own life. Uttering these words brings me to question areas or bitterness and unforgivness against others. The God of heaven has forgiven me of all my sins, I should extend the same love towards others. Even when it’s hard. This is a work in progress.
“And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.”
Prone to wonder, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. The words of this old song ring in my mind often. Even as a believer, who is in a active relationship with Jesus Christ, I still see my tendency is to sin. So constantly I must go back to the source of life, forgiveness, and hope, JESUS.
Oh Jesus, keep me away from the snares of the devil. Help me to put on the whole Armour of God so I can be prepared for the daily battle against sin.
You are not an author of evil but good. In this part of the prayer I am reminded He is my help!!!
I could go on, but I will end it with this.
Prayer changes everything, and prayer is changing me.
No matter where you are in your prayer life today I encourage you to dive deeper, pray with a heart of humility, and pray without ceasing.
We all are sinners and we all fall short, but staying in communication with the God of Heaven will start the change how you see things here on earth.
Jesus, will you set our hearts and minds in eternity today?🙏🏻
By: Landis Gibson