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Set Apart Living Guest Writer Series: Tori Smith

Writer's picture: Landis GibsonLandis Gibson

Meet this week's guest writer, Tori Smith! Tori is a beautiful 25-year-old, living in Gainesville, GA. She lives along with her sweet kitten Molly and works as the Community Outreach Director at Maysville Baptist Church. She is loving this position thus far! Getting to help others every day and show them the love of Christ she says "has been such a blessing to me". In her free time, she enjoys hiking, yoga, relaxing on the porch, and road trips! I can't wait for you to read her post.

Here are a few fun facts to get to know her a little better:

Coffee or tea & go to drink:

SWEET TEA!!!! (or mountain dew if that were an option)

Favorite Worship Song:

My Jesus - Anne Wilson

Currently Reading:

Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle - is so so good!

Here's her answer to:

"How is God calling to you to be Set Apart in your current season of life?

Being a young woman working in full-time ministry has been a true challenge for me this year. From intimidation of not knowing it all, to being around strong believers that made me feel like I was not living up to my potential in Christ. Yet, God has recently shown me that He is calling me into a season of learning and knowledge, which has been a tremendous blessing.

After graduating from college in 2019, I wasn't sure where the Lord was leading me to work. I accepted a job at one of the nonprofits I interned at, and quickly realized it was hard for me to share the hope I had in Jesus with others who were looking for it in that profession. I did not work in a Christian environment, and I knew I had more to share with those I had the privilege to meet and listen to.

I got a tattoo during a really hard time in my life, of Psalm 61:2 "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." I never thought the tattoo would have as much of an impact on my daily life, but every time I look down and read it I am reminded that I can take my troubles to Him.

I recently began seminary this semester, to know more about community work from a biblical perspective. Just learning how to do my job in a more biblical sense has already made me more confident in my work. I realize that He is calling me to more than I could have imagined. Letting go of what I thought my life would look like has been the most freeing experience.

Also, I have experienced the best friendships and met some of the greatest role models during my time here at MBC. God is moving in a big way and I am just praying He makes a vessel to glorify His name! Being SET APART from this world is the most rewarding feeling! To know that you are living for a bigger purpose and getting to serve the people around you makes it all worth it!"

Thank you so much for sharing your story! Tori, I know God is using you in big ways. I am honored that your would give us a snapshot into what He is doing in your heart and life in this season.

Psalm 61:2 us such a great verse to keep before your eyes. I think many of us can relate to the "overwhelmed heart" feeling. Yet, to know that we don't have to stay there is a promise of hope and encouragement. We can go to higher ground. We don't have to sink in the overwhelming emotions that so easily take over. Higher ground is where the ROCK is. And I don't know about you, but I want to stay on the rock. Our rock, our safety, our security is in Jesus you will never loose your footing.

Thank you all for following along each week. It is a true blessing to get to write out my thoughts and to hear from those around me about what God is doing. I hope you were as encouraged by Tori's story as I was.

Happy Weekend!

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