When thinking about and planning Graham’s nursery, we decided not to do a theme, but let the word of God be the theme.
Being set apart, is a theme that the Lord has threaded through my life since I was 13 years old. This is when I started praying faithfully for my future husband, (before I even knew Tucker) and committed to live set a part for Christ.
God, answered that prayer by giving me Tucker Gibson several years later.
 Over the past few years, He has allowed me to use these words and my personal testimony to start Set Apart Living and host several in person ministry events for ladies in the local community.
I could tell you so much about how these words have been a call over my life. But I don’t think there’s enough room here for that story.
This world is full of sin, and it’s so easy for us all to give over to the ways of the enemy. If I’m honest, I’ve failed to be set apart more times than I’d care to admit.
But God. He still call us to Himself and reminds us WHO we are in Christ.
All for His glory.
So, 12 years later I claim this over our sweet Graham.
Oh that you would be SET APART for the glory and purposes of God. That you would remember He had plans for you before you were even born. You are loved. Yes, by us, but more so by God.
You were God’s idea long before you were ours.
You were made on purpose and for a purpose.
You are created to worship the creator.
You are to serve the Lord your God no matter what.
You are a leader not a follower.
You are SET APART for eternal purposes.
You are loved.
You are born for such a time as this.
Don’t wast your life on worthless things.
Seek wisdom.
Seek understanding.
Seek God.
May all your life be a living sacrifice for the one who gave it all for us.
 As your parents we cannot make you love the Lord but we can show you what His love looks like. We pray that he will come to Salvation at an early age and spend all the days of your life joyfully serving a good God.
May you be born in strength, peace, and love.
May the Lord protect your from the top of your head to the sole of your foot.
My no weapon formed against your prosper.
May God place His hand on your life from the very beginning.
May we all, as a family, trust in HIM not matter.
Praying for you always! 
🤍Mom & Dad